Dr. Reza Faridrad
020 8969 3560
Angel Dental Implant Center
London, United Kingdom

Reza qualified in 1995 and has 3 years of postgraduate education in Oral and maxillofacial surgery at the Eastman Dental Institute. He was awarded a prestigious masters degree from University College, London in 2001. He has 4 years of hospital experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics in London (UCH), Liverpool (Aintree hospitals) and Cheltenham & Gloucester hospitals. Reza has extensive experience in facial trauma and injuries, and management of oral cancer. He is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (MFDS RCS), the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI), The Association of Osteointegration (ITI) and the International Academy of Facial Aesthetics. Reza is the principal of Angel Dental Implant Centre, London and his field of interest is the rehabilitation of complex implant cases.

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Graduation in Medicine and Surgery at Università di Torino in 1995. Academic Specialisation in Maxillo-Facial Surgery at Università di Torino in 2000. First-level medical manager of the Maxillo-Facial Surgery Unit at Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Maggiore della Carità in Novara. Specialist in complex restorations using zygomatic and pterygoid implants. Lecturer at domestic and international courses and conferences.

Graduation in dentistry and prosthetics at Università degli studi di Milano.
Since 2005 freelancer of the maxillofacial unit at Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi in Milan.
Adjunct professor of prosthetics on zygomatic implants at Università statale in Milan.
Adjunct professor of implantology at Università degli studi di Parma.
Speaker at the II degree post-graduation master in digital and guided surgery.
Speaker at training courses in advanced implantology and anatomical dissection.
An active member of the Digital Implant & Restorative Academy (Di&RA).
Author of national and international publications.

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