
All-on-X treatment with TUFF Noris Medical Implant System.

clinical case
Performed by Dr. Vladimir Garcia Lozada DDS, MS, PhD
This patient is a 54-year-old female ASA 1 classification, wanting to have fixed teeth in the maxilla.
Upon examination, we noted teeth mobility grade 3 in #13,
22, 23, a radicular rest in #12 with bone defect caused by a cyst, radicular rest in #17 and the tooth #16 invading the posterior occlusal space.

Local anesthesia was administered, and the remanent hopeless teeth were extracted, a crestal incision was made,
with a full-thickness flap, cyst enucleation and debridement of the maxilla bone was performed.
6 Noris Medical TUFF implants System were placed and distributed properly in the maxilla.
The torque insertion of each implants were over 70 Ncm, and flap were closed with 3-0 silk sutures. There were no complications and the protocol of Immediate loading of the maxilla (provisional fixed teeth the same day) was done.
After 5 month of healing the final fixed restoration was performed, and now a day the rehabilitation has 5 years of follow-up with a very happy patient with life quality recovering.






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