
  • Dr. Mirela Shveys
    Dr. Mirela Shveys

    Dr. Shveys Mirela, OMFS, DMD, MD is a Certified Specialist in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in Israel and Romania, graduated from the residency program at Rambam Medical Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel in 2007.
    She is a double degree doctor, graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine in 1998 and the Faculty of Medicine in 2016 both at ‘ Gr T Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi. Romania.
    She worked for a couple of years at The Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University at the Maxillofacial Surgery department where she developed her passion for teaching, working with young students and doctors the art of oral rehabilitation.
    Since her graduation, she has worked in private clinics in Romania and Israel, at Arcadia Hospital in Iasi, and now she is the founder of Dr Shveys Dental & Maxillofacial Clinic in Iasi.
    Also is a member of IDA, Israeli Association of Maxillofacial Surgery, ITI ( International Team of Implantology), and founder of ‘IMPLANT SMART Prosthodontic oriented implantology ‘- a continuous education & study group in Iasi.
    She continued training in the field of TMJ pathologies, maxillofacial anomalies, implantology, and digital dentistry in Israel ( Tel Aviv), the UK ( Oxford ), Spain ( Barcelona ), France ( Paris), Netherlands ( Utrecht ), Switzerland ( Davos), Germany ( Frankfurt).
    She is highly experienced with difficult cases of atrophic jaws, and maxillary rehabilitation with zygomatic, pterygoid, and nasal implants. She follows a passion for teaching as a speaker in many courses and study meetings with clinicians, young doctors, and surgical trainees.
    Dr Shveys continues her research, teaches advanced implantology education, and is invited to lecture both nationally and internationally on trending topics in bone and soft tissue regeneration and dental implants.


Bucharest, Romania
JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel | Calea 13 Septembrie 90, București 050726, Romania


Nov 29 2024

Interactive Hands-On Models Workshop
All-on-X with Conventional and Pterygoid Implants – Full Arch Rehabilitation

Atelier Practic pe Modele: Reabilitarea Completă a Arcadei Dentare cu Implanturi Convenționale și implanturi pterigoidiene utilizând Tehnica All-on-X

Prezentare Generală a Cursului

Acest atelier practic intensiv de o zi este conceput pentru profesioniștii din domeniul stomatologiei care doresc să aprofundeze tehnicile avansate în reabilitarea completă a arcadei dentare folosind metoda All-on-X, cu implanturi convenționale și pterigoide. Programul acoperă o gamă largă de subiecte, de la planificarea tratamentului și intervenții chirurgicale până la conceptele restaurative, oferind participanților o perspectivă holistică pentru obținerea unor rezultate de succes în cazurile complexe.

Obiectivele Cursului
  • Discutarea indicațiilor și a alternativelor la protocoalele tradiționale All-on-X (AOX), demonstrând o înțelegere cuprinzătoare a modalităților de tratament pentru majoritatea pacienților.
  • Explicarea configurațiilor unice ale AOX în premaxilar, demonstrând capacitatea de a articula considerațiile cheie în planificarea tratamentului și plasarea implanturilor.
  • Aplicarea cunoștințelor de anatomie asociate cu AOX convențional și neconvențional în planificarea chirurgicală și pre-chirurgicală.
  • Descompunerea indicațiilor și contraindicațiilor AOX convențional și neconvențional, evaluând critic scenariile pentru a alege tratamentul potrivit.
  • Crearea de tehnici chirurgicale eficiente pentru AOX, integrând multiple protocoale utilizate în mod obișnuit pentru plasarea și restaurarea implanturilor fără ghid.
  • Evaluarea calității rezultatelor AOX prin încorporarea considerentelor protetice în procesul de tratament, demonstrând abilitatea de a evalua și asigura rezultate optime.
  • Participarea la un atelier practic pe modele, traducând cunoștințele teoretice în abilități practice pentru plasarea implanturilor pe modele 3D, demonstrând aplicarea conceptelor învățate.



This comprehensive one-day hands-on workshop is designed for dental professionals seeking an in-depth understanding of advanced techniques in full arch rehabilitation using the All-on-X approach, with Conventional and Pterygoid Implants. The program covers a spectrum of topics ranging from surgery and treatment planning to restorative concepts, providing participants with a holistic perspective on achieving successful outcomes in complex cases.


Course Objectives:
  • Discuss the indications and alternatives to traditional All-on-X (AOX) protocols, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of treatment modalities for most patients.
  • Explain the unique configurations of AOX in the premaxilla, demonstrating an ability to articulate key considerations in treatment planning and implant placement.
  • Apply knowledge of anatomy associated with conventional and nonconventional AOX in surgical and pre-surgical planning
  • Break down the indications and contraindications of conventional and nonconventional AOX, critically evaluating scenarios for appropriate treatment choices.
  • Create effective surgical techniques for AOX, integrating multiple protocols commonly used to place and restore implants free-handed.
  • Judge the quality of AOX outcomes by incorporating prosthodontic considerations into the treatment process, demonstrating the ability to assess and ensure optimal results.
  • Participate in a hands-on model workshop, translating theoretical knowledge into practical skills for the placement of both 3D models, showcasing the application of learned concepts.

For more information and registration, please contact:
Noris Medical | www.norismedical.com
Kasia Radajewska | +44 7795 031003 | [email protected]


A representative will reach out to you by email and/or phone within 24 to 48 business hours.



  • CE Credits Provided: 14
  • What do you get after completing the course​: Official Noris Medical Certificate / Professional materials
  • Cancellation Policy: We offer a flexible cancellation policy for our courses. If you need to cancel your registration, we ask that you do so at least one month before the scheduled course date to receive a 50% credit. If you cancel before the two-month deadline, we will provide a full credit. Unfortunately, we cannot offer any credit for cancellations made within one month of the course date, unless it is an individual case such as illness, which will be reviewed and decided by the regional manager. It is important to note that the credit for hotels is separate from the course cancellation policy. We highly recommend booking your hotel accommodations with a flexible cancellation option. This will provide you with the necessary flexibility in case of unforeseen circumstances that may require you to cancel or change your hotel reservation. For doctors who have purchased implant packages, we offer credit for product purchases only. This credit is not transferable to other products or services. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your implant package credit, please contact our customer service team for assistance.
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